Are all MOT providers the same?

Are all MOT providers the same? All car owners are legally required to have an MOT test completed annually if their vehicle is older than 3 years old. It’s a critical testing process designed to protect you and other road users. Without it, unknowingly dangerous vehicles could be driving on UK roads, putting the safety of everyone at risk.

Many motorists tend to choose their nearest MOT centre every year for the sake of convenience, even though there are often a fair few in the local area. But what difference is there actually between MOT providers?

In this article, we unpick the similarities and differences that you could find between MOT centres near you.


The cost of an MOT is something that won’t really differ too much between centres. Why is that you may ask? Because the government caps the amount that garages can charge for MOT testing, meaning competition on price alone is rare between providers.

For a typical car, the maximum price that can be charged is £54.85. You may find some deals reducing this price slightly but it’s unlikely to be significant enough to warrant changing providers for that reason alone. So how do garages compete with each other?

Booking process

Something that differentiates some MOT centres from others is the way they allow you to book your test. You’ll often find that the big chains have invested heavily in their website and digital systems, allowing you to book your MOT online without the hassle of ringing up.

More traditional garages and smaller businesses will still rely on the old-fashioned way of calling to book your date and time. If you prefer the slicker experience of eCommerce then dealing with the bigger chains might be a good move for you.

Package deals

We’ve established that the cost of an MOT alone won’t differ that much between test centres, but the packages they offer can be their main point of competition. Joint MOT and service packages are a great way for motorists to kill two birds with one stone – saving them time and hassle throughout the year.

So, the value in one of these packages may be enough to persuade you to try somewhere new – you can compare most prices easily online these days to ensure you are getting the best deal within your local area.

Customer service

The most important factor to many when it comes to dealing with garages and test centres is customer service. Bad experiences can be enough to put people off certain places altogether, but unfortunately, you may only find this out once it’s too late.

Look at online reviews if you want some reassurance that somewhere is worth trusting. Again, you’ll probably find that the big chains have more to offer when it comes to standardised customer service, particularly for routine tasks like an MOT.

Hope you’ve found our article, Are all MOT providers the same? useful.

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