Laundry Timer

Today I’ll be reviewing an app called Laundry Timer. This is the first app to be reviewed on the My Helpful Hints website, I’ve even created its own special category. Hopefully you’ll all like what could be a new direction for the site.

Back to today’s offering though. Laundry Timer is a free app for both Android Google Play and iOS Appstore users, it’s a two-in-one washing app. This clever app calculates the drying time of your laundry, considering both location weather condition and fabric type. Developed by Aeolus Apps.

On the free version you can see the predicted weather conditions for next 3 days, go premium (just £2.99 for a year) and you’ll get 7 days of predicted weather. The Laundry Timer app is for those that can dry their clothes in an outside environment.


To download search on your app library on your device. For Android users you’ll need to ensure your device is running Android 5.0 and up, for iOS users iOS 13.0 or above is required.

Download Google Play Store and

Download iOS App Store

Image shows the Google Play screenshot for the Laundry Timer app.
Google Play Page Image – Image Source – Google (Subject to Copyright)

Once downloaded you’ll need to give the app some permissions, one of which is your location, this enables the app to locate and provide you with accurate and up to date weather information.

Laundry Timer.

The Laundry Timer app is very easy to use, literally two screens, that’s it! Sometimes simple is best. As previously mentioned above you get two options, one free, and the other premium. The free version is just as good as the premium version, usually apps give you very little with the free version, but Laundry Timer doesn’t.

You get a 3-day weather prediction and adverts on the free version, but the ads aren’t a pain like many other ad based apps, in fact it’s a single ad on the bottom of the screen.

Image shows the free version screenshot of the app.
Free Version Screenshot – Image Source – My Helpful Hints (Subject to Copyright)

The above image is the main page, the top section shows you the current weather condition based on your location.

The middle section is a clever feature, it’s the estimated drying times of your laundry based on the weather conditions being detected. You can manually calibrate this if you find it inaccurate, I had to do this as where I live a house steps outward and blocks a lot of sunlight. A quick adjustment later and it now is pretty much accurate. You can play about until it’s right for you. I found the estimated timer to be a great indication based on the fabric being dried. To calibrate press the cog icon in the top right corner.

Just underneath you’ll see the Start Timer button, press this and it’ll count down your estimated drying time.

That’s not all, you can also utilise push notifications for your device too, so no excuses to not bring in your washing.


As mentioned, the app has two functioning screens, the second being the Forecast screen.

Image shows a screenshot for the Forecast page of the app.
Free Version Screenshot – Image Source – My Helpful Hints (Subject to Copyright)

This screen allows you to see the forecasted days that are ideal for drying your clothes. You can swipe through the days. If you press the middle icon (the middle of the i Icon and Cog Icon) it’ll allow you to swipe hour by hour of your chosen day. As you move hour by hour you can see an estimated drying time for Light, Typical and Heavy Fabrics.

Image shows the estimated drying time based on hour selection.
Free Version Screenshot – Image Source – My Helpful Hints (Subject to Copyright)

You also get an estimated percentage on rain too.

Upgrade to premium for just £2.99 to see a full 7 day forecast and ditch the ad on the page. I tried both versions out, didn’t experience any issues with the free 3-day estimation, but having a 7-day forecast is ideal in my opinion, especially in the UK and with a busy household, which creates a mountain of laundry very quickly. Being able to predict the best days to put on a wash and get it dried is some sort of Harry Potter magical shizzle.

Image shows the screenshot for the Laundry Timer Pro subscription charge.
Laundry Timer Pro Screenshot – Image Source – My Helpful Hints (Subject to Copyright)

You even get a month free. For just £2.99 I would highly recommend going premium. It’s a bargain at that price!


I really love the Laundry Timer app. Yeah I know you can just look at the weather to know when to dry your clothes, but the UK weather is unpredictable at the best of times. This app gives you more of an indication to which days are best, also the estimated drying times based on fabric and weather conditions is something you can’t just know for yourself.

It’s a clever little app. I have been using for a few weeks now, on both plans too, a little calibration later and it’s highly accurate. Another clever feature is when you click the fabric type on the main page. It opens a comparison graph against drying the same item indoors.

Image shows a screenshot of comparison of outdoor vs indoor drying times.
Drying Rate Screenshot – Image Source – My Helpful Hints (Subject to Copyright)

If you’d like to download the Laundry Timer app it’s available to both Android and iOS users.

Download Google Play Store and

Download iOS App Store

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