How to choose the right workwear

How to choose the right workwear? Most people spend the majority of their week in workwear, so it needs to be comfortable and effective.

Some professionals are able to wear clothes of their choosing to work and others aren’t. For the latter, workwear is a fundamental aspect of many industries where personal clothing isn’t appropriate.

But what exactly is workwear, why is it important and how can you find the right clothing for you?

What is workwear?

Workwear is the clothing that you or your employees turn up to work in. There are many kinds depending on which sector or industry you operate in.

It ranges from clothing worn by tradespeople to uniforms handed out in hospitality settings and everything in between. Workwear needs to produce the required results whether that be professionalism, safety, security or uniformity.

Why is workwear important?

Workwear is important for several reasons. Firstly, it plays a large part in branding and interacts closely with your customer, client or patient experience. The clothing you or your staff wear gives a particular impression to the people you come into contact with, and if you’re trying to sell something or provide an excellent service, image is significant.

Workwear is also vital to ensure that the demands of your profession are accounted for. This could be mitigating health and safety risks such as extreme environmental exposure or protecting your own clothes from dirt, grease or any other unwanted substances. Work clothing should allow you to perform your job to the best of your ability by easing concerns about potential risks.

Perhaps the most important reason of all – your work clothing should be comfortable enough to ensure that you are able to work without distractions or limitations. Ill-fitting workwear can slow you down, take your mind off the job or restrict your range of movement, all of which can have dramatic impacts on your productivity or that of your team.

What to consider when choosing workwear.

Choosing the right workwear for yourself or your staff is essential – below we outline some of the key factors you should be considering:

Material: work clothing should be made with appropriate materials to deal with the work environment they’re being worn in. Different materials will provide different benefits – for example, cotton is usually best for comfort and is easy to wash, whilst polyester or nylon can provide greater durability and versatility.

Fit: the fit of your workwear is very important to ensure that you remain comfortable whilst working. Clothing too tight or too loose could become a nuisance in certain situations and this should be avoided at all costs to protect your productivity and safety. Try on different sizes and brands if you’re choosing for yourself or provide a range of sizes if you’re buying for staff members.

Quality: the quality of your work clothing is an important factor to consider because it’s likely to influence its longevity. Buying cheap may result in you having to replace clothing items more regularly, which can actually cost more in the long term.

Appearance: workwear is as much about appearance as it is about practicality, but you should strive for both if you can. Ensure that you choose workwear that encapsulates other areas of your branding and gives off the image that you want to convey. Customised workwear can provide an added sense of professionalism and competence if that’s the look you’re going for.


Hope you’ve found our article, How to choose the right workwear useful.

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