Major trends transforming the gaming industry

Major trends transforming the gaming industry. The gaming scene has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. This continues to be the case, bringing about many changes and developments across the industry. Each passing year brings new possibilities and opportunities for game developers, publishers and console manufacturers. Here are some of the most important trends influencing proceedings recently.

The rise of mobile gaming

Console domination continues to decline in the gaming industry. 47% of gamers now use their smartphone for gaming more than anything else, signalling a massive switch in habits. Younger generations tend to have easier access to phones over consoles and this is a key driving force behind the trend.

Interestingly, the pandemic also increased the popularity of mobile gaming among older generations. As smartphone technology and processing power continue to develop, the ease at which people can game from anywhere helps to boost uptake.

Virtual reality (VR) gaming

VR almost feels like a thing of the past, but that’s because it’s been available to the public for much of its early development. The possibilities are endless with VR and AR gaming and we’re likely to see more rapid improvements with the integration of AI and cloud technology in the next few years. Furthermore, enhanced PCBs in VR systems ensure minimal latency and high refresh rates to provide a more streamlined gaming experience.

VR technology is likely to be a significant component of more engaging and immersive gaming in years to come. The sights and sounds inside gaming worlds could be enhanced with additional sensory elements such as smell and touch. Watch this space!

Games as a service (GaaS)

The business landscape behind gaming has transformed dramatically over the past few years. We’re seeing developers steering away from costly AAA games and consistent releases to more subscription and GaaS models. This can be seen with the likes of Fortnite and Warzone which are free-to-play, but offer in-game purchases.

Similar to software as a service (SaaS) models, GaaS provides a more consistent revenue for game developers and large console companies. Xbox and Playstation have both released a subscription model which offers players hundreds of games for free with the membership. This is a new area where they can compete and is a trend picking up pace.

Artificial intelligence (AI) in gaming

Just as AI is influencing sweeping changes across many industries, gaming is certainly facing the prospect of a rapidly developing landscape. The technology has a number of applications that could revolutionise gaming, including generative AI helping to build brilliant storylines, characters and visual elements.

Basic AI has been utilised in games for decades to give life to NPCs, but more advanced systems could take that to a whole new level to enrich the gaming experience. Dynamic and personalised worlds with intelligent NPCs could shape the future of gaming. However, there are still many legal and copyright factors that the industry has to work out before the widespread adoption of AI.

Hope you’ve found our article, Major trends transforming the gaming industry useful.

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