How to Get the Most Out of Your Home in the Summer Months

Summer is finally here and there’s no better time to have your friends and family over for a get-together. Here are some top tips on how to make the most of your home during the warmer months so you can be a confident host all summer long.

Get Organised

Many of us experience shame when it comes to how messy or disorganised our homes are, especially if we know that other people are going to be viewing them. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Getting organised always starts with a good decluttering. Sometimes, it’s helpful to take everything out of a space so you can clearly see what you’re dealing with and then decide what to put back. Remember that the more you can get rid of at this stage, whether by recycling it, throwing it away, or donating it, the easier it will be to keep your space organised moving forward.

Once you’ve decided what to keep, you should also consider where it should be stored from now on. Try to store things nearby to where you’ll be when you need them. For example, use under-stairs storage for those items you may need to quickly grab in a hurry like raincoats, wellies, and umbrellas.

Outdoor Living

If you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor space, make the most of it by creating a space in your yard or garden to relax or entertain. Remember that your garden should feel like an extension of your home and somewhere you want to spend time. Adding comfortable seating, outdoor lighting, shelter and a heat source such as a fire pit or chimenea will enable you to use your outdoor space no matter what the weather this summer.

Keep It Cool

To stay comfortable at home during the summer months, it’s crucial to take steps to keep room temperatures down. You can lower the temperature in your home by investing in fans, whether freestanding or ceiling fans. You should also keep curtains or blinds closed during the hottest part of the day and turn off any appliances you aren’t using, such as televisions and lights as these will give off extra heat during use.

Host a Party

Planning a party for friends or family at home can be a great way to enjoy the summer sun without everyone needing to splash out on a night out or a complicated get-together.

If you want to host a great party this summer, start by thinking about who you’ll invite and the kind of vibe you’re going for. Will it be a casual BYOB barbecue or a themed event like an afternoon tea party or a Hawaiian Luau? Send out your invites early as many people go away over the summer or are booked up with events such as weddings.

Try to encourage an open plan feel so that people can move freely between outdoors and in and make the most of the space. This will make your home feel less crowded and will allow people to mingle more easily. Ensure you have plenty of food and drink to go around and some kind of entertainment, whether that’s live music and games or just a fantastic playlist and photo booth props. Then all that remains is to kick back and enjoy the benefits of all your hard work!

Hope you’ve found our article, How to Get the Most Out of Your Home in the Summer Months useful.

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