Creating a pet relaxation area in your home. We all need to be able to relax to help us manage stress and stay happy and healthy. Pets are no different!
One of the kindest things you can do for your furry friends is to set up an area in your home which is purposefully designed to be a relaxing retreat for them.
Below, we’ll explore how to choose and furnish the right place to be your pet’s safest haven.
Selecting the perfect location.
Peace and quiet are paramount when identifying a good spot in which to relax.
Think about the parts of your home that see the most traffic or generate the most noise, then start with the areas furthest away from those to evaluate them as possible relaxation zones.
Marry that instinct with considerations of accessibility for your pet – avoid picking parts of the house that are likely to be behind closed doors during the day, as they should be able to get there quickly and without help whenever they want to get away for a bit.
You don’t necessarily need a huge amount of space in the place you choose – but, the bigger the animal, the more space you should try to allow.
Choosing comfortable bedding.
A comfortable place to sit or lie down and get some naptime is going to be a key aspect of a good relaxation zone.
Explore various bedding options tailored to your pet’s size and sleeping habits – for example, taller breeds will appreciate large dog beds that let them stretch out.
The best material and thickness for their bedding may vary depending on the average temperatures in the room – having different options for winter and summer might be wise – while it’s a good idea to choose something with both softer and firmer parts so they can have as much support as they want.
For older pets, you can find orthopaedic beds that provide much-needed relief.
Incorporating calming elements.
Projecting a sense of relaxation through every possible means will help create the same feeling for your pet.
Soft lighting is wise – natural lighting like windows is good but, when it’s dark outside, you can use mitigators like on-trend lampshades to tone down electric light and prevent overstimulation while still letting your pet see their way around.
You can also introduce calming scents, either by keeping some familiar toys in the area or by installing a suitably fragrant spray device.
Ensuring safety and cleanliness.
Key to your pet’s relaxation – and yours, in not worrying about them! – is keeping their special area clean and safe for them to use.
Hardwood and tile flooring are among the best choices as they’re non-slippery and straightforward to clean regularly.
Try to establish a consistent routine for cleaning the floor and bedding here so your furry friend isn’t cuddling up to too many germs.
As part of this routine, look to keep the area clear of obstacles or small items strewn around the floor, to remove hazards and maintain good accessibility.
Hope you’ve found our article, Creating a pet relaxation area in your home useful.
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