6 Benefits Of Replacing Your Radiator Valves

6 Benefits Of Replacing Your Radiator Valves. With the winter season fast approaching, many of us are gearing up for warm nights indoors and turning up our home heating systems. For homes that use radiators, it can be a challenge to know if our system is efficient, especially if it’s an older installation.

Thermostatic radiator valves are the key piece to ensuring any radiator system is running properly. And if your radiators are older than ten years old, it may be time to replace these valves. Consider these six reasons why replacing your radiator valves is the best way to get you ready for winter.

Updating TRV gives you more control

By updating your thermostatic radiator valves, you are putting yourself fully in control of the amount of heat you use. These valves provide custom control for each individual room in your house.

Each valve has a small dial that allows you to set the heating temperature as high or low as you want so that even if your thermostat is reading higher, you can choose to concentrate more heat in a room that needs it.

This is done by pins inside the valve that are set to a specific temperature range. They can control the temperature by stopping hot water from coming in if the radiator in that room reaches its highest temperature on the setting.

For a trusted radiator valve retailer in the UK, check out Trade Radiators, who specialises in high-quality radiator valves.

Lower your energy expenses

Thanks to the control you have on the temperature you use, you have a more accurate understanding of how much energy you are using. These valves have accurate detection mechanisms, allowing them to decipher when a room has reached its set temperature.

This means that you can heat exactly the parts of your home that you need and save serious change on your energy bills this winter season.

Optimise your heat output

It’s crucial to optimise your heating output to prevent overheating in your home. There are a number of problems that can arise if you don’t control your heating output, including some of the following:

  • Economic risks: Let’s be honest, this is the big one! Heating expenses are already promised to reach an all-time high this winter, and without controlling your heat output with your radiator system, you can be racking up really high costs.
  • Health risks: An overly heated environment isn’t healthy and dries out the air in a home. That can lead to dry and irritated skin and eyes, respiratory issues, and fatigue.
  • Structural risks: Too much heat causes drywall to expand and paint to crack, leading to warped and damaged walls. It can even put your furnace or boiler at risk, which is a large expense to replace.

By maintaining your heat output with a thermostatic radiator valve, you can be sure you’ll be protected from any of these risks.

Maintain heat insulation

By far, the most important part of heating a home is maintaining the heat already inside. Making sure your home is properly insulated and retains heat for a while is key to staying warm and comfortable this winter.

Newly replaced radiator valves maintain better insulation because they are more accurate and won’t be suffering from wear and tear damage. They provide just the right amount of heat needed to maintain a warm space for you and your family.

Maximised comfort for your home

At the end of the day, comfort is what we all want when heating our homes. A radiator valve provides maximum comfort because of the control it gives over your energy usage and your expenses.

Hope you’ve found our article, 6 Benefits Of Replacing Your Radiator Valves useful.

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