White Rose Fire Safety

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Ignore your obligations and you risk prosecution or worse.

Ensuring your staff and premises are compliant and as safe as can be form the risks of fire should be a major part of your businesses management plan.

We specifically target small businesses and start ups to ensure they do not fall foul of the law and help them implement their fire safety management procedures.

How can we help you achieve this?

Fire safety management is what we offer and that is what you receive which we achieve in a variety of ways including fire risk assessments, audits, surveys and ongoing customer support.

We ensure you fully understand what has been presented to you and work with you every step of the way.

Our assessments will stop you being prosecuted and if you have received an enforcement notice from the local authority our assessment and advice will help you have it listed to which we have experience in this area.

We are also suppliers of the P50 service free fire extinguishers so if you are looking for an Eco friendly cost saving solution on your fire extinguisher installation please get in touch.

For our full range of services please visit our website or get in touch to discuss how we can assist you.

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