Lyla’s Retrospective

Fred & Lyla Vintage Sales
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Vintage Hunter since birth, the older the better!

Vintage Hunter since birth is what my late Mum and Dad called me 🤓 Wonderful parents who inspired my love of antiques, vintage pieces and most of all, oil paintings.
I grew up surrounded by all of the above. My Dad used to say that we were living in a museum. He joked, but he loved our heritage that spanned a number of countries and cultures.
We drank out of antique china, dressed in unique jewellery and evening wear, (that’s my Mum and I), danced at the most sought after events and took part in Fashion Week on two continents.
The daughter of an RAF pilot and a Mum who was a feisty Lawyer. She changed careers due to cancer, which led her into Fashion Design and antique auctions of her own collections, I thrived on our unique lifestyle.
My parents met later in life and had us when most were thinking about becoming grandparents. We loved it, their age instilled in us, respect, passion for what interested them and led to us being old before our time.
We’d search flea markets, attend antique auctions , fashion week and dance competitions, all thanks to our parents. Our peers couldn’t relate, however, that didn’t stop me.
I opened my first vintage/antique business when I was fifteen and still at school. My parents were beyond happy, their respect, fuelled my fire and here I am today, full circle and just beginning on the same road again.
Looking forward to sharing my inherited pieces and sourcing adventures with you all. May my little seedling 🌱 of a store grow with you all.

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